1st Separates Set-up, Help!?!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi everyone,
I am new here so , Hello!!.

Up until now I have somehow managed to get by using a shockingly dodgy setup consisting of a sony Cd player->Mixer->(m-audio bx8a) Monitors. Of course this is better than an off the shelf all-in-one thing, but not much!

So I now need to upgrade to a separates system, but i don't have a clue about what Deck&Amp&speaker set-up would work well within my price range: Maximum = €600 all in. Of course I know that this is all subjective.

I listen to various types of music from Gregorian Chant to Ambient Drone to Raw Punk Rock and I would like a system which has both Clarity/Definition and Warmth/Immersion, Leaning more towards Sweetness and Depth-(if that makes any sense at all !!!)

So what [Cd player//Turntable//Amplifier//Speaker) combo might achieve this desired system, if any, within my price range?
Help desperately needed! I Love music and cannot go on listening on such a crap set-up...

Thanks in advance
Ah, nobody? I'm sure that somebody here can help get me get started. Just to clarify, I am not Lazy, just bewildered as to where to begin. I do not want someone to choose a set-up for me or anything, just a nudge in the right direction, you know ? Like what Amps work well with which Speakers in your experience type of stuff...

thanks so much

My first thought was that 600 euro isn't a lot to be getting CD, record player, amp and speaker unless you decide to buy 2nd hand.I think your stated budget is a tricky price point, and while you can probably put something good together, from your description of your desired sound, I worry that you may be disappointed.

If it weren't for that budget I'd suggest the Marantz pm and cd 6003 (or Arcam but that goes way over budget unless buying 2nd hand).Could you do your upgrades in stages? e.g. use your existing CD player or speakers? Maybe get a CD player and amp and use the pre-out on the amp to run your active monitors until you can afford new speakers?

Have you read reviews and started to think which products sound like they could be what you are looking for and then looked at whether the brands are available where you live?

If you can list some products that seem to have the sound/budget you are looking at I'm sure the forumites can give you feedback on successful matching as well as alternatives. Then hopefully you can get out to some dealers and audition some candidates.
m8 get nad components, you cant go wrong! best budget hi-fi by miles! Aslong as you team them with the right cabling your be in heaven!
If you have little cash after buying ur amp, speakers and CD player plus cables, and if it's your first foray into vinyl a good place to start maybe the Bush MTT1! Some may snigger but at the time this was highly rated (by WHF if memory serves) and for the price is a bargain. Simple to use, a punchy and rythmic sound and benefits from a built in pre-amp!, job done!.

You can usually pick one up on Ebay for £30 or so, like here:

I would recommend buying one thing at a time and utilizing what you already have. Start with a decent amp then save up again for speakers etc. You will end up spending more that you initially budgeted for but you will be much happier with the final set up.
As a sideline thought not all in the box solutions are bad. For 600 euros look at the "Arcam Solo" as an example of a all in one that can deliver incredible quality at it's price. Of course you'd have to save for speakers but it's a nice entry into hi-fi. Plus it's all there! Dab radio, cd, mp3 USB the lot. Don't forget to factor in the cost of some good speaker cables. Makes all the difference on these systems.
cheers everyone!

Well I cannot really tolerate these monitors anymore, they are waay muddy, quite horrible actually.

As suggested I feel the best solution might indeed be to keep my cheapy cd-player , replace the monitors with proper speakers, maybe a set of B&W 685's with a Rotel amp , I've read that the Rotel/ B&W combo is a good one (??) anyone (??) then as budget allows upgrade the CD player.
Traditionally rotel and B&W have been considered a good match, and B&W often seem to use rotel (or classe for their higher end stuff).

If you do a search for B&W 685 and rotel (particularly ra04 I think) you'll find a few threads with people giving their opinions. A few ppl seemed to think the ra04 mightn't be quite gutsy enough to drive the 685s properly, but I've never heard the combo myself.

I suppose around that price point I'd like to try the most recent budget prizewinner the Yamaha A500, as well as Marantz such as the pm 6003 or pm6004 as well as rotel to see which I liked the best. Personally, I've heard the pm6003 with the 685s (running off the Marantz cd6003) and I thought it was a warm nicely balanced sound, maybe a little safe and inoffensive, but great at the price.

I've never heard them, but the reputation for NADs is for a fairly bassy sound, so they could also be worth checking out.
I have to put in a good word for the Bush MTT1. I first heard about it from this very magazine and laughed at the picture. Anyway, I used to own a good quality budget seperates system mainly consisting of a Mission Cyrus One, Philips CD850 MKII cd player and Ariston Pro turntable (all picked with the help and advice found in What hi fi at the time), but with the onslaught of MP3s and internet music, it was being used less and less. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I flogged the lot and used the money to buy a Fatman Itube amp and dock as nearly all my listening over the past few years has involved the laptop or an ipod and I needed to downsize for the new living room (thats not true, the wife said it was to big and black!). The Fatman blew me away, I use it through a pair of Mission M73s with good cables throughout and recently invested in a Revo Iblik which allows me to stream mp3s from the laptop and listen to zillions of radio stations. I got the loan of an MTT1 a while back (2 years ago) with the intention of archiving my vinyl, never got round to it and ended up buying the MTT1 off my pal and then it sat in the corner of the bedroom under a pile of shoes for a year and a half. So....., recently I have discovered the difference between MP3 and Lossless, as a result I have been filling up my harddrives at an alarming rate with lossless files and somewhere along the line I have been yearning for a return to my wannabe Audiophile on a budget origins, so I dug out the Bush and clagged it into the Fatman, I was left speachless, so was the wife when she heard me rummaging around the loft for my vinyl, Brothers In Arms, Baker Street, Hunky Dory, Transformer, whatever album I put on, it sounds awsome, a lot of them I have on the pod, I put my hand on my heart and tell you now, if your used to listening to ipods and mp3 players, even on good systems, nothing beats a good old record, and the Bush, I can honestly say, if you close your eyes and listen to it playing, it will blow you away,(just dont look at it, ever, it looks like it sucks, big time!) if you have three hundred pound to spend on a turntable, spend fifty on the Bush, and blow the rest on records and woman (not the wife!), it is that good. (also, I am pleased to say, belts stylus and cartridges are all easy to find, thought I would put that in because I just noticed how old this thread is so doubt any one will see this, hope they do though). Of coarse it wont beat a Rega, or a Pro-ject, but you will not find a better stop gap, and I also firmly believe that Cd players and Turntables should never be compared together, but my records definately sound better on my bush than my Cds do on my cd player (150 quid Technics, not brilliant but well respected), they are just more involving, bigger, I dont know, just not used to having to get up and turn the over, but as far as sound goes..... better, 30 - 40 quid? for the Bush, I paid 40 quid for a cartridge on my Ariston Pro back in the day, oh, whatever you do, if you have seperates system, no matter how old, just dont sell it, you will regret it. yes, Iam rambling on like a looney, thats cos Iam monged on vodka and coke typing this whilst listenin to Hotel California on the Mighty Bush. If you buy hi fi to listen to music, rather than buy music to listen to your hi fi, the Bush is faultless......and no red blooded Audiophile can, or would, tell me differently (thats cos they are an intelligent breed of folk you know!) and most importantly of all when it comes to looking at hifi in magazines, your budget is never enough, the grass is ALWAYS greener, enjoy the music on what you got, cos its all you need, anyway, Iam gonna sell me kids on ebay now, hope to get enuff for em sos I can buy one of those fandangled project genies or a rega, one of those old Rega Planer 2s, they look well cool, did turntables always look better in the 70s? Cors`, the technologies never really changed has it? Just the prices and the power supplies, interesting. by by, `hic`!
simon3102000:m8 get nad components, you cant go wrong! best budget hi-fi by miles! Aslong as you team them with the right cabling your be in heaven!

That is a matter of opinion.
djsid:I have to put in a good word for the Bush MTT1. I first heard about it from this very magazine and laughed at the picture. Anyway, I used to own a good quality budget seperates system mainly consisting of a Mission Cyrus One, Philips CD850 MKII cd player and Ariston Pro turntable (all picked with the help and advice found in What hi fi at the time), but with the onslaught of MP3s and internet music, it was being used less and less. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I flogged the lot and used the money to buy a Fatman Itube amp and dock as nearly all my listening over the past few years has involved the laptop or an ipod and I needed to downsize for the new living room (thats not true, the wife said it was to big and black!). The Fatman blew me away, I use it through a pair of Mission M73s with good cables throughout and recently invested in a Revo Iblik which allows me to stream mp3s from the laptop and listen to zillions of radio stations. I got the loan of an MTT1 a while back (2 years ago) with the intention of archiving my vinyl, never got round to it and ended up buying the MTT1 off my pal and then it sat in the corner of the bedroom under a pile of shoes for a year and a half. So....., recently I have discovered the difference between MP3 and Lossless, as a result I have been filling up my harddrives at an alarming rate with lossless files and somewhere along the line I have been yearning for a return to my wannabe Audiophile on a budget origins, so I dug out the Bush and clagged it into the Fatman, I was left speachless, so was the wife when she heard me rummaging around the loft for my vinyl, Brothers In Arms, Baker Street, Hunky Dory, Transformer, whatever album I put on, it sounds awsome, a lot of them I have on the pod, I put my hand on my heart and tell you now, if your used to listening to ipods and mp3 players, even on good systems, nothing beats a good old record, and the Bush, I can honestly say, if you close your eyes and listen to it playing, it will blow you away,(just dont look at it, ever, it looks like it sucks, big time!) if you have three hundred pound to spend on a turntable, spend fifty on the Bush, and blow the rest on records and woman (not the wife!), it is that good. (also, I am pleased to say, belts stylus and cartridges are all easy to find, thought I would put that in because I just noticed how old this thread is so doubt any one will see this, hope they do though). Of coarse it wont beat a Rega, or a Pro-ject, but you will not find a better stop gap, and I also firmly believe that Cd players and Turntables should never be compared together, but my records definately sound better on my bush than my Cds do on my cd player (150 quid Technics, not brilliant but well respected), they are just more involving, bigger, I dont know, just not used to having to get up and turn the over, but as far as sound goes..... better, 30 - 40 quid? for the Bush, I paid 40 quid for a cartridge on my Ariston Pro back in the day, oh, whatever you do, if you have seperates system, no matter how old, just dont sell it, you will regret it. yes, Iam rambling on like a looney, thats cos Iam monged on vodka and coke typing this whilst listenin to Hotel California on the Mighty Bush. If you buy hi fi to listen to music, rather than buy music to listen to your hi fi, the Bush is faultless......and no red blooded Audiophile can, or would, tell me differently (thats cos they are an intelligent breed of folk you know!) and most importantly of all when it comes to looking at hifi in magazines, your budget is never enough, the grass is ALWAYS greener, enjoy the music on what you got, cos its all you need, anyway, Iam gonna sell me kids on ebay now, hope to get enuff for em sos I can buy one of those fandangled project genies or a rega, one of those old Rega Planer 2s, they look well cool, did turntables always look better in the 70s? Cors`, the technologies never really changed has it? Just the prices and the power supplies, interesting. by by, `hic`!
