record player

Forum discussion tagged with record player.
  1. F

    How To Ariston Q Deck Speed Adjustment - Solved

    Hello all, I've had some issues with the speed of my Ariston Q Deck and have solved the issue, so thought I'd post here if anyone has the same issue in the future. The turntable was spinning at 43.7rpm for 45rpm and 32.9 for 33.3rpm. Before you flip the turntable over, remember to remove the...
  2. Azulan

    No sound from Preamp

    Hello! I got a new receiver (denon AVR 2312) and preamp Cambridge Audio 540P yesterday but i cant get sound out of my turntable and i have no idea if the problem lies in the preamp, receivers input or just sound settings on the receiver. I have the preamps output connected to the CD input on...
  3. TCaprotti

    Hi-Fi upgrade advice.

    Hi everyone. I know a lot about music and vinyl in particular, but very little about Hi-Fi systems and components. I have what I think is a pretty good setup, but have come across some interesting components at auction, so was looking for some advice. My current setup is as follows: Bowers &...
  4. S

    Best record player to pair with new amp & speakers?

    Hi All, I'm new to the forum so forgive me if my question is similar to another person's somewhere on the site. I've recently bought a pair of B&W 606 S2 Anniversary and decided to not go for the obvious choice - Rega brio but to purchase the Rotel A11 Tribute instead. The main reason behind...
  5. M

    Question Help. £1000 for a record player system with amp and speakers?

    A friend of mine who has zero equipment has asked me to set him up with a record player system for £1000 but I am getting conflicting opinions on how best to spend the money. One is to spend £500 on a turntable make it the star and then £250 a piece on amp and speakers but other people are...