I have a Samsung Q7FN. I will need references for good Bluetooth earphones or headphones.
I have a Level U but is falling into pieces, and soon will die. I bought online a AKG Y600NC but I rad some reviews from users saying it's not a good device. so in case this phone is really bad and if I...
bluetoothbluetooth audio
bluetooth earphones
bluetooth headphones
samsung series 7
samsung tv
tv audio
tv bluetooth
tv bluetooth earphones
tv bluetooth headphones
tv earphones
tv headphones
What kind of source do you use when you choose your headphone?
Of couse, one of the sources could be the forum like "WHAT hi-fi", but do you use any other source?
Do you take into account the reccomendation from your close ones?
Do you use SNS for grasping the current trend (do you think...