
Forum discussion tagged with argonaudio.
  1. N

    Question LOXJIE Infineon A30 + Dali Spektor 2 vs Argon SA1 MK2 + Forus 5

    My use case: Underground 20m^2 room with concrete walls. I will connect the system to my new PC, either to the onboard card of a high end mobo, or an Asus Essence STX II (is this even relevant anymore?). 7/10 music, 2/10 gaming, 1/10 movies. Music: (old) rock, metal, electronic So I am mostly...
  2. JoelOman

    So, I've decided on the spreakers. But what amp?

    Hiya all! I've been dwelling back and forth between what bookshelf speakers I want to get for a new "budget system from scratch" to my 25kvm (~269sqft) living room and the choice fell on the ELAC Debut B5.2. Now all I need is an amplifier to get things going. It needs to have a built in DAC...