Recent content by TKratz

  1. T

    Sony & Panasonic to end OLED TV partnership?

    Bigboss, have to agree with you 100% This is real sad. I hoped Sony and Panasonic together could manage to compete with the Koreans on the OLED front, which I also believe is their only chance for a comback on the TV market.
  2. T

    WIFE HAS KILLED MY BLU-RAY is it worth fixing

    In my experience, it is not worth fixing a wife...
  3. T

    Best 3D 55 inch TV and bigger

    That is simply not true (in paper at least, I am not questioning your eyes ;) ) It is true, that LED based LCD screens has become much better in this regard, but they still can't compete with the best plasma screens. Some of the backlit LED/LCD screens shows almost perfect blacks in tests...
  4. T

    New speaker cables

    I have one more late follow up question. I have heard (but again unfortunately not tested myself) that silver in the cable will brighten up the sound. Is this complete rubbish, or is there some truth in it?
  5. T

    New speaker cables

    Hi Rick My current cables are nothing special. I don't even remember which brand. I have for a long time just looked for the right opportunity to change them. As mentioned earlier, I will unfortunately probably not be able to test the cables. Checking the Danish Hifi stores, the only brands...
  6. T

    New speaker cables

    Thanks Allan and David for your advice. Sorry for this late feedback, I didn't realise anyone had responded to my thread. David, you have a lot of experience in matching equipment. I would very much appreciate if you could put in a little more words what led you to recommend the Chord Rumour...
  7. T

    New speaker cables

    I am soon going to move and need new speaker cables. I have been keeping up, and therefore hope for your advise. I will unfortunately not be able to test the cable. My system is: - B&W XT series - Yamaha DSP-Z7 - Oppo BDP-83SE I love my system which is warm, expansive and very rich in the...
  8. T

    Panasonic TC-P65VT30 question?

    Usually there are differences between the European and US models, so I wouldn't count on it. But I don't know for sure.
  9. T

    Panasonic TX-P55VT30 Blacks?

    The measurements I have seen for Kuro 9th generation and VT30 are quite comparable. The gab has been closed, and more importantly, shadow details are not sacrifised as a result.
  10. T

    DSD capable AV receivers

    Well, you shouldn't be concerned about codecs on Blu-ray films. The receiver is fully capable of decoding Dolby TrueHD and DTS HD Master Audio. The only potential concerns could be the lack of 3D passthrough and audio return channel in the HDMI outputs.
  11. T

    DSD capable AV receivers

    I can say at least, that my old beloved Yamaha DSP Z7 can receive the DSD signal from SACD discs. It sounds absolutely stunning! Of course this amp is no longer new, if that should be a concern for you. I am sure there are others, but do not have the overview.
  12. T

    plasma are back

    I might have missed something, but was plasma ever out? But as already stated, buy the TV with the best picture regardles of tech. For me plasma is still superior, but that might change. At some point OLED comes around ;)
  13. T

    Sony KDL 55HX923 versus Panasonic 55VT30

    Well, last years VT20 measured 68 cd/m2 whereas VT30 measures 77 cd/m2 out of the box, so this is not true. But as BigBoss I would also recommend you search the web for recommended settings. The adjustments I have seen improves the colour accuracy (although very precise out of the box when...
  14. T

    Sony KDL 55HX923 versus Panasonic 55VT30

    Funnily, this is just about the only point where the Sony beats the Panasonic I don't know who have said that blacks are deeper on VT30 than on the Kuros, because I still hear the opposite. It is close to Pioneer Kuro, but not quite there yet. Anyway we have reached a point where it doesn't...
  15. T

    Sony KDL 55HX923 versus Panasonic 55VT30

    And having now read the first serious review of HX923 I would definately say, go for the Panasonic!