Recent content by TimMel

  1. T

    Question What's your next HiFi purchase?

    Doh! BFA plugs at the amp end - it is a Cyrus integrated amp after all …
  2. T

    Question What's your next HiFi purchase?

    That’s very helpful @Jasonovich and @Friesiansam - I checked WBC out on the filthy dirty tax-avoiding rotters’ site and the quality looks high: but 7AWG?? Can it actually go round corners? Canare 4S11 11AWG and Van Damme 12AWG look great - do you think they can adapt the terminals? I need BFC on...
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    Hi @Gray as I understand it, the DAC in the i9-XR and the Stream-XR are identical. I did try connecting the Stream-XR via digital RCA Coaxial (Chord Clearway) connector into the i9-XR DAC but to my ears at least, connecting the Stream-XR via RCA into the analogue stage of the i9-XR was more...
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    Bought a Bluesound N130 less than two years ago. Recently bought the Stream-XR (no external power supply). Night and day; no, South Downs chalk to finest Roquefort; better still, earth to Neptune. The difference (soundstage, clarity, separation etc.) is very, very far from subtle. Both...
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    Question What's your next HiFi purchase?

    I think there's always room for healthy scepticism towards what is occasionally slammed as 'snakeoil': it is inevitable that a highly technical hobby like this, with people willing to spend serious coin to enjoy it, attracts innovations and product developments whose objective merits are...
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    Question What's your next HiFi purchase?

    Thanks Jason, perhaps I should have trodden more lightly on a subject about which people have strong views! But the range and quality of the replies have most certainly been worth it. I'm prepared to believe that speaker cables can make a difference - it's quite clear to me that the quality of...
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    Question What's your next HiFi purchase?

    Thanks to @gasolin and @DougK1 for helpful replies. PMC themselves are pretty tight-lipped on which cables work best, saying they recommend a 'high-quality thick multi-strand OFC cable': does 'thick' mean a gauge of 10AWG or is that too thick? I suspect quality of connectors matters too.
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    Question What's your next HiFi purchase?

    Rethinking speaker cables: should I upgrade once I have moved house and know exactly what lengths I require? If so, pure copper for greater warmth? Shielded or unshielded? My PMC speakers are very good and I’m not convinced my current wires are getting the most out of them: wondering if Chord...
  9. T

    Cyrus 40 ST

    I've been with Cyrus for nearly 25 years and I come at this from a different angle. I have recently bought the Stream-XR to complement my i9-XR - which it does incredibly well - and I read the WHF review of the 40 ST with bemusement. I quote: 'there is little else that Cyrus has produced over...