Recent content by shadders

  1. shadders

    Question Where to find true equipment specifications?

    Hi, As per others, ASR has reviewed the SMSL AD18 amplifier. Seems to be a class D, but i only read the first page and could not see the chipset used. For circuit diagrams, if available, then google or may be able to help. Regards, Shadders.
  2. shadders


    HI, Don't the arrows point to magnetic north as opposed to geographical north ? Regards, Shadders.
  3. shadders

    Comparison naim nait xs3 rega Elicit mk5

    I too, am not a dealer...
  4. shadders

    Genuine Class D question

    Hi, I did the same, initially using class AB amplifiers for my active speakers, then implementing class D, to reduce the total power consumption, even in idle. Is the amplifier hot or warm ? There is a lot in the unit, and it seems that the processing etc., is at the top and the amplifiers...
  5. shadders

    Upgrade streamer.

    Hi, If you have Naim equipment, and want to stick to the same brand, then the ND555 is perhaps your next step. What is wrong with your current Naim streamer ? As technology progresses - then equipment becomes obsolete or unsupported, as said by others. I checked the price for the ND555 and...
  6. shadders

    Best DAC for my system

    Hi, There is no embarrassment in using a Chromecast device - it does what it needs to. I assume you are using the optical output to the DAC ? I use my hifi when watching films, as the audio processor has dolby capability. As Al ears said, why not get a Cambridge Audio DAC if you like the...
  7. shadders

    This fuse costs £4200

    Hi, The hypocrisy amongst the subjectivists is astounding. My take is that speakers and amplifiers make a difference, and perhaps DAC's do too, if i exclude discrete R2R and NOS (i am excluding vinyl too). Everything else is pure imagination. For this fuse, and any other, then it plays on...
  8. shadders

    This fuse costs £4200

    Hi, So, when the fuse blows, what does one feel about it ? Regards, Shadders.
  9. shadders

    Question Smoothen harshness

    Hi, I checked the pre on Audio Science Review - they have a review of it, and the performance is exemplary - if anything, it is transparent. As per later posts, the room equalisation solved the issue. Regards, Shadders.
  10. shadders

    Question Smoothen harshness

    Hi, The OP did state that they swapped the power amp for a class AB (Marantz, Audiolab) which smoothed the sound, so this does indicate that amplifier is the key component here. Regards, Shadders.
  11. shadders

    Question Smoothen harshness

    Hi, As a general statement using a digital source/DAC and solid state components, the descending order of distortion is speakers, power amplifier, preamp, then DAC. It may be that the preamp is better than the DAC, but distortion is dominated by speakers and power amps. Regards, Shadders.
  12. shadders

    Question Smoothen harshness

    Hi, If you check the Audio Science review website for both the Crown XLS 1502 and Nad C268, their distortion profiles are different. The Crown has more distortion in the higher orders (5th+), and the Nad is much more benign, with lower distortion dominated that is dominant in the 2nd, then...
  13. shadders

    Question Smoothen harshness

    Hi, I would look to purchase a Class D amplifier based on the Hypex modules or Purifi modules. The NAD 268 costs approximately $900, and is based on the Hypex UcD amplifiers. The power is 80watts, which is much less than the Crown, but the speaker sensitivity is 89dB/m so they should go...
  14. shadders

    Question Smoothen harshness

    Hi, Maybe try a different power amplifier - such as class D, but with slightly better performance specifications. What is your budget ? Regards, Shadders.
  15. shadders

    What Earns The Title "Audiophile"?

    Hi, Some magazines provide measurements and others do not. The measurements can never tell you how something sounds, only whether the equipment has been well engineered. A 1960's amplifier will measure woeful compared to todays equipment. Audiophiles have different approaches on how they...