plastic penguin's latest activity

  • plastic penguin
    plastic penguin reacted to manicm's post in the thread Arcam A5 or A15? with Like Like.
    It's not about adequate power, but headroom for those sudden peaks in music, as can happen in classical and rock. THAT is when extra...
  • plastic penguin
    plastic penguin reacted to Al ears's post in the thread Arcam A5 or A15? with Like Like.
    And you wonder why? I am out of here but certainly hope the OP has gained some understanding.
  • plastic penguin
    plastic penguin replied to the thread The Car Thread..
    Agreed, Doug. Other than darn cam belts they are pretty bullet proof. My brother's had his EcoBoost for years and loves it. Road tax is...
  • plastic penguin
    plastic penguin replied to the thread The Car Thread..
    I've decided to buy a Ford Focus 1.0 EcoBoost as my everyday car. It's dirt cheap to tax & insure. I'm keeping the Alfa, but scared...
  • plastic penguin
    plastic penguin replied to the thread Arcam A5 or A15?.
    I'm not qualified to speak about these new Arcs, as I've not heard them. But I suppose it depends how loud you play your music will...
  • plastic penguin
    plastic penguin replied to the thread Solid Tech Racks.
    Racks certainly gets the kit out of the way. Ideal when my daughter was young... and we have a cat. It's not great to have your boxes...
  • plastic penguin
    plastic penguin reacted to DougK1's post in the thread PMC... are they that good? with Like Like.
    I don't do charts because I don't really understand them, but I do understand my ears :) I must say of all the speakers I have owned I...
  • plastic penguin
    How true. I don't care, never have, about graphs, measurements etc etc etc. It's whether they work in your environment and existing kit...
  • plastic penguin
    plastic penguin reacted to DougK1's post in the thread PMC... are they that good? with Like Like.
    I've owned PMC's and they never seemed at all bright to me, detailed yes, bright no. The only measurements I trust are the those of my...
  • plastic penguin
    My opinion is based on owning a pair, that's the only fact I know about PMCs. Instead of bleating like a child, go and listen to some...
  • plastic penguin
    plastic penguin replied to the thread The Car Thread..
    That's fine, except I doubt it has a roof.
  • plastic penguin
    I've not dismissed any of your posts, but as @Al ears said, no speaker company makes a product that age-related. You seem to be hung up...
  • plastic penguin
    plastic penguin replied to the thread The Car Thread..
    It's only desirable if you like technology. When it comes to warning lights or other gizmos, that's fine. Otherwise, it adds weight and...
  • plastic penguin
    plastic penguin reacted to Friesiansam's post in the thread The Car Thread. with Like Like.
    I’m with PP on this.
  • plastic penguin
    plastic penguin replied to the thread The Car Thread..
    You see I'm quite a rare bunny. All the bells and whistles in a car doesn't interest me. At the shops earlier and this Merc was parked...