Recent content by Oliverswing77

  1. O

    Focal 816W SE vs Electra 1007Be

    Hi Mute, the room is medium sized, roughly a 4m x 4m cubicle. I listen to a lot of electronic music, mainly house and techno. So the difference between those models is negligible? That's not very encouraging. Seeing that the 1007Be retailed at nearly half the price of the 1028Be there should be...
  2. O

    Focal 816W SE vs Electra 1007Be

    As sugested by the title, I'm thinking of replacing my 816W SE with a pair of Electra 1007Be, even though I prefer the looks of floorstanding speakers. I know the tweeter on the Electra is a big plus but would that alone justify the swap? I do love the sound of my current speakers but I'm always...
  3. O

    Damaged tweeters dilemma...

    I read about that and was one of the things that put me off :shame:
  4. O

    Damaged tweeters dilemma...

    Thank you guys. After having seen a pair of these selling for £1500 on some classifieds I don't think it's worth paying the money this guy asking for. I guess I have to keep my eyes peeled for a good bargain :)
  5. O

    Damaged tweeters dilemma...

    I saw some speakers on Ebay which interest me but they have a few flaws, one of them being the tweeters which have some mild damage, more so in one of the speakers. Will this affect the performance at all and could it get worse with the time? Aesthetically I could live with them by keeping the...
  6. O

    Recommend me some good AC/DC tracks

    You missing a lot of good stuff... :) But AC/DC is better live so I'd recommend the the 'Let there be rock - live in Paris" (Blu ray or the album 'If you want blood you've got it' which is an audio recording from that show), the 'Live at Donnington' (excellent stuff) and the 'No bulls' which...
  7. O

    Yamaha 673 or Pioneer 2021

    I bought one from them and it was virtually new, with all the protective films, and it comes with a full 3 years warranty. Not refurbished at all, just ex display units that come in open boxes but everything is literally just like new.
  8. O

    Yamaha 673 or Pioneer 2021

    To be honest those speakers deserve better. The Aventage series from Yamaha are monsters, I had the RX A2010 and it was a beast. The RX673 should is definitely smaller but wouldn't really get the best out of the Silvers. I bought the Anthem MRX300 which is a really compact receiver, especially...
  9. O

    New receiver for my Quad speakers

    The Anthem doesn't lack power at all. In fact to my ears it sounded more powerful than the Marantz SR7005 I had before which is rated at 125W per channel. It attacks those movie scenes with even more authority and grip. The Marantz is just too laidback and can make wrong matching speakers sound...
  10. O

    New receiver for my Quad speakers

    Stay away from Marantz if your speakers ain't right! I had the SR7005 and it made my front speakers sound incredibly veiled and dull. It's a shame because it's has such a detailed sound, with fantastic sound layering and it can steer effects around a room with such speed and accuracy that...
  11. O

    Pioneer & Focal... will be a nice marriage?

    I've got Focal speakers too, more especifically the 816W SE (fronts), the CC800W SE (center) and the 806V (rears). The rears are on the bright side and sound amazing with warm electronics. I tried them in isolation on the end of a Marantz SR7005 and they sounded amazing. The 816W SE on the other...
  12. O

    Slim AV Receiver to work with B&W MT30

    It's a shame that you're crossing off the Cambridge Audio because of the lack of network features. Between those 3 if it was me it would be an easy pick... Cambidge Audio all the way! It's on a completely different level to the other 2.
  13. O

    Upgrading a Yamaha RX-A2010 to a RX-A3010... yay or nay??

    Is there a way to delete your own posts? It posted the same thing 3 times just because I double clicked save. Sorry :oops:
  14. O

    Upgrading a Yamaha RX-A2010 to a RX-A3010... yay or nay??

    I thought of those 2 but the Arcam are very unreliable and the NAD are above my budget. I'm planning to get a new receiver but it's gotta be second hand so I can get the best for my £900 budget. Unfortunately the NADs are hard to come by in the second hand market otherwise I wouldn't mind...
  15. O

    Upgrading a Yamaha RX-A2010 to a RX-A3010... yay or nay??

    I thought of those 2 but the Arcam are very unreliable and the NAD are above my budget. I'm planning to get a new receiver but it's gotta be second hand so I can get the best for my £900 budget. Unfortunately the NADs are hard to come by in the second hand market otherwise I wouldn't mind...