Mrmason62's latest activity

  • Mrmason62
    Mrmason62 replied to the thread Cyrus 40 AMP.
    You'll have to listen and see I moved from aurelic lightingds to roon. I also changed from aurelic to lumin bridges. Roon is superb and...
  • Mrmason62
    Mrmason62 replied to the thread Cyrus 40 ST.
    If you've got roon and your dac and bridge can take it then you can take your files up to dsd512. I go to dsd256. This does make a...
  • Mrmason62
    Mrmason62 replied to the thread Cyrus 40 AMP.
    I've been iktu cyrus for almost 30 years. I currently bi-amp and have a Psxr2 on either side. The power supply cost a grand each. No...