jy999's latest activity

  • J
    jy999 reacted to daytona600's post in the thread Question Underpowered amp? with Like Like.
    98dB Klipsch with 50wpc should get the police @ the door & hearing damage for long periods Klipsch do not need much power , but they...
  • J
    jy999 replied to the thread Question Underpowered amp?.
    Manufacturer's recommendations is a good idea, but I could find nothing from Klipsch in terms of that. I thought that was basically...
  • J
    jy999 posted the thread Question Underpowered amp? in Hi-Fi.
    Hi all, question about amp power! I have a pair of Klipsch RP-280F speakers in my living room. They're very efficient at 98db (1...