Recent content by hybridauth_Facebook_624348515

  1. H

    Speaker selection help for NAD D 3020

    I would heartly recommend the wharfedale diamond 122 speakers. This is the larger of the 100 series diamond speakers. It was never reviewed as the smaller 121s but they sound better than any speaker I heard at the price. I use it with the d 3020 and they are a great match. After buying a pangea...
  2. H

    NAD D 3020 with Amphion Argon 3

    I finally settled for the wharfedale diamond 122 with the nad d 3020. The nad d 3020 sounds better from its optical input than the others options. I am using a asus zona sound card/ headphone amp which has digital out using a toslink cable. The combination between the nad n wharfedale is...
  3. H

    NAD D 3020 with Amphion Argon 3

    I talked to someone at hifi shop near my place who told me that the Amphion Argons are the best bookshelf speakers he ever heard at its price range. The guy sells most of the bigger name speakers.
  4. H

    NAD D 3020 with Amphion Argon 3

    Hi guys I am a newbie to Hifi. Someone recommended buying the NAD D 3020 as a start and pairing it with a suitable speaker. Would the new NAD play well with the finnish Amphion Argon 3 which I want to buy.