Recent content by Frazer1979

  1. F

    Samsung S4 comes second to HTC One ?

    I have to say I am a huge fan of the android OS but one thing I really hate about it is when the various companies butcher it and throw in loads of crap that 90% of users really have no interest in using. My current phone is an off network HTC one X with none of the extra rubbish orange/EE...
  2. F

    Sonos connect AMP?

    I think it might be worth pointing out that not all i devices will stream to Sonos. It would be worth checking out the devices that will give you the option of "this iphone/ipad/ipod" before jumping on it if it is an essential requirement. The device will have to have the latest ios and be one...
  3. F

    optical cable questions.

    How many products do you have running to your TV? It can be done without to much drama but there might be a few things to look out for depending on what you are running. Drop a reply with an equipment list and we can see if we can work out how your can get all the audio you want to the playbar.
  4. F

    Time to upgrade my home Cinema receiver?

    You are right and I am really sorry about how that has come over in two of my posts. These guys are local to where I live and have been very helpful in the past and continue to be. I don’t want to cause embarrasment to myself, them or any forum members, if someone can edit my posts or tell me...
  5. F

    Getting close to going for sonos connect just a few tips ect.

    I really wouldnt right off Sonos just yet. Lets not forget the limitations of using apple units if you dont havea fully apple household. Dare I question why you would want to use cloud storage to access your music through the device if you have a NAS drive and you are looking to use spotify...
  6. F

    Only me!!

    Thought I would join here as I have always been a lover of AV equipment and worked with Sony for years but the longest lasting love has to be with Sonos.
  7. F

    Time to upgrade my home Cinema receiver?

    Denon do still do some brilliant recievers however there are a lot of people who are now looking at Onkyo units. I found to be really helpful with help buying an amp. From past experience dont let some of the retailers out there dazzle you with science!! Its...