Recent content by doifeellucky

  1. doifeellucky

    What do you do with a Mojo 2?

    The previous comment is slightly incorrect. Buy a 3.5mm to RCA cable and connect it to an RCA input on the amp of your choice. I use mine with both an amp and speakers and headphones.
  2. doifeellucky

    If you had £600 to spend and needed some new speakers....?

    The Q Acoustics Concept 30 now £499 down from £899 are probably worth a demo.
  3. doifeellucky

    Is the resurgence of vinyl LP's a fad?

    Cassette tapes not popular. Lol. You may have heard of this device called the Walkman. Sony sold well over 200 million of the cassette variant alone. It transformed the way we listen to music. I had boxes of SA90s. From memory if you went into Richer Sounds in the late 80s and early 90s...
  4. doifeellucky

    Streamer help

    Just get a Wiim Mini or Pro. The pro has Ethernet, Chromecast and an optical input. I connect my TV into mine. If these are not useful just get the Mini. Avoid the Cambridge, Arcam and particularly the Audiolab. They are way over priced for what they offer, especially aa your amp has a DAC...
  5. doifeellucky

    Why I sent the WiiM pro plus back

    You should have connected the Wiim Pro Plus via RCA into your amp to use the better AKM DAC in the plus version. Otherwise you’re just using the DAC in your amp, and the difference between USB, optical and coaxial relates to how the DAC in your amp handles those connections. It has nothing to...
  6. doifeellucky

    Zero latency wireless speakers?

    Such a nice chap.
  7. doifeellucky

    Zero latency wireless speakers?

    If you’re not bothered by sound quality then why not just use the laptop speakers?
  8. doifeellucky

    Best Integrated Amp For £1,000+ headphones?

    Ignore is such a great feature.
  9. doifeellucky

    What is your next headphone?

    One benefit of the Grado ‘design’ is you just bend the headband to fit. Useful for me as I’ve got a fairly big head.
  10. doifeellucky

    New Amplifiers - What are the current popular options?

    I’m interested in the Elicit, and others circa this price, like the Exposure 3510. What is your existing amp and speakers? Is it a significant improvement? There have been a few reports of the digital inputs malfunctioning (on the Elex mk4 also) so keep an eye on it. Apparently Rega have not...
  11. doifeellucky

    What is your next headphone?

    I think premium headphones and DACs are overrated, but that’s just based on my experience. For years I was happy with Sennheiser costing £30-40 back in the late 80’s and 90’s. During lockdown while working from home I decided I wanted to try something more premium and ordered a pair of Grado...
  12. doifeellucky

    Do you think some vendors are milking up HiFi novices (If it costs a lot must be good, right?)

    I think hand made items are a bit different. Yes you can buy the wood for much less, but you have to factor in having a large workshop, tools, treatment costs, and more significantly skill and time. A craftsperson should be rewarded for the skills they’ve acquired over the years. Bespoke items...
  13. doifeellucky

    Do you think some vendors are milking up HiFi novices (If it costs a lot must be good, right?)

    You’ve clearly not seen the fuse thread. Some people have more money than others and ultimately it is up to them how they spend it. As you’ve said previously due diligence is important and only that person can decide if a particular product is good value to them.
  14. doifeellucky

    Bad Choice

    I think you bought the wrong house. Rega make a dedicated wall bracket. Perhaps just the one item would be acceptable, especially as the existing solution effectively isn’t fit for purpose.
  15. doifeellucky

    Converting conventional speakers to wireless?

    Or move again.