DCarmi's latest activity

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    DCarmi reacted to nopiano's post in the thread Prejudices about equipment with Like Like.
    No thanks.
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    DCarmi replied to the thread Why I despise Phil Collins.
    I don't like later Genesis stuff that much but I listen to Trick of the Tail quite often. One track is a bit suspect but the rest are...
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    DCarmi reacted to Dave_'s post in the thread Room 101 with Like Like.
    This forum! It's bad enough that the website has become a hyperbolic, click-bait generator under Future's ownership. But the forum...
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    DCarmi reacted to Friesiansam's post in the thread Room 101 with Like Like.
    In any hobbyist forum, especially one like this where the cost of the hobby can be very high, there will always be an element of...
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    DCarmi replied to the thread First HiFi for a teenager?.
    I am certain that some of my kids who are now in the 20 and 30s have no idea how to work my hifi and would struggle with the Wiim Pro...
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    DCarmi reacted to Al ears's post in the thread First HiFi for a teenager? with Like Like.
    Mine not interested even with my permission. Gave him a decent Bluetooth speaker and he's overjoyed......ho hum!
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    DCarmi reacted to nopiano's post in the thread Transports with Like Like.
    The Audiolab probably sounds fine, though I’m not sure I’ve ever heard one. It’s been widely praised in various reviews, however. My...
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    I don't think it was much different in days gone by. People bought radiograms, music centres etc, way back when. My Grandfather was a...
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    In our day (when the dinosaurs ruled the earth!) , we did not have 4K multimedia, PC, Xbox, Playstation or Switch. Nor did we have all...
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    In my experience youngsters are not always that young. Many 30+ years olds just use phones or smart speakers.
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    DCarmi reacted to GSV Ethics Gradient's post in the thread Room 101 with Like Like.
    People who don't collect their dog's leavings. There's a park in our village used by all and sundry, including kids' football teams at...
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    DCarmi reacted to Jasonovich's post in the thread Will it look ok? with Like Like.
    Nice work, you must have hidden those SW's pretty good! I actually mixed up the shelf length and height measurement, hence speakers...
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    DCarmi replied to the thread Will it look ok?.
    You have a very forgiving other-half. I'd be lynched if I had such a setup (not that I'd set up speakers like that). I replaced the...
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    It depends what you do with the computer. I'm guessing it is an XPS Desktop (rather than laptop) and it is probably an XPS 8920 or 8930...
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    I own open and closed back and also active headphones with ANC (ANC can work in wired mode). It depends on the time and place of usage...