Recent content by dalethorn

  1. D

    Grado - GH2 vs RS2e vs SR325e

    I can't imagine the Prime not driving the 250 ohm version. Doesn't make sense. Something must be off. See if you missed a Gain switch somewhere, or even if there's an internal Gain switch. Is your source set up to max volume? You wouldn't think it mattered, but nowdays so many of these digital...
  2. D

    Grado - GH2 vs RS2e vs SR325e

    Here's a guy who used to post here a lot. You can see the link to his review blog as well. As best I remember, he was a big advocate for the DT880 - if not at first, then eventually.
  3. D

    Headphone amplifiers vs Integrated amps

    Creating products that need add-ons - yes - the perfect capitalist idea. But a simple headphone amp with just enough power for dynamics and planars, with a volume knob, headphone jack, and line input - that seems like an ideal product for headphone users. Theoretically at least, creating a lot...
  4. D

    Grado - GH2 vs RS2e vs SR325e

    Based on your experience, I'd say the SR80e should be very similar to the 325e, except rougher sounding. The GH2 will likely be more of the same as the 325e. The unknown for me is the RS2e, which I'd expect to have more body.
  5. D

    Shure 535 repair

    If the authorized dealer will not help at all - not even to offer suggestions on where to go for repair (there are repair people everywhere), then that dealer had better be giving steep discounts on this item. Did you get a big discount? What has your dealer done for you? Today you can find...
  6. D

    Shure 535 repair

    Your best option is to go to the authorized dealer you bought it from and lean on them to lean on Shure. If the dealer wants your continued business they might be willing to act on your behalf.
  7. D

    Beats Studio 3 Wireless/Bluetooth Headphone review

    I just purchased the new Beats Studio3 "10 year Decade Edition" headphone. It's functionally identical to the Studio3 I purchased from the Apple Store last December. There is a burn-in necessary for the Studio3, and the biggest change I noted (after ~24 hours) was around 3 khz. The final sound...
  8. D

    Grado - GH2 vs RS2e vs SR325e

    To be honest, there's no significant difference in sound between the SR325e and the GH1, and I assume the GH2 would follow suit. But I don't know for sure. I haven't heard the GS1000e, but based on the awesomeness of the PS1000e, it's likely to be just as awesome. One caveat though -- as much...
  9. D

    Grado - GH2 vs RS2e vs SR325e

    Not enough to justify the price I think, but .... the extra wood compared to the acoustically treated metal in the SR325e will give a slightly warmer sound, but it's more subtle than I expected. From what I've heard the RS series is where you get the most "woody" kind of sound. I sold my GH1 for...
  10. D

    Grado - GH2 vs RS2e vs SR325e

    I had the GH1 and the 325e, which were very similar. If you don't mind the extra money, get the GH2 - you'll love it. I never had any of the RS series, but as best I understand from reviews, they're more mellow than the GH1/2 or 325e. If you like the 80e, I see no reason to go farther than the...
  11. D

    Sony WF-1000x - what a disappointment

    What you got is pretty obviously defective, which raises the questions - did you buy from an authorized dealer, and can you be certain the headphone you got is the genuine product (not a clone)?
  12. D

    Beats UrBeats3 'Decade Collection' Earphone/IEM review

    Here's a little sleeper item - a $99 USD earphone (IEM) that few audiophiles would suspect of being a good listen. And it might be, with the right eartips. It definitely is with a good equalizer...
  13. D

    AudioQuest NightOwl Audiophile Stereo Headphone review

    The NightOwl has great potential in having tonality superior to most non-premium or non-audiophile headphones, but the frequency response tuning needs a good bit of tweaking...
  14. D

    Beats Solo3 'Decade Collection' Bluetooth Headphone Review

    My full review of the new Beats Solo3 "Decade Collection" headphone - likely a purely cosmetic difference from the late-2016 original Solo3. Bluetooth == yes, Noise Canceling == no.
  15. D

    Sennheiser HD 650

    I know plenty of people who are over 70 who can hear at least to 12khz clearly. Hearing loss is usually attributed to age, as a statistical thing, but that's statistics, not absolutes. There's plenty you can do to have superior hearing for your age, and even great athletic ability too. You don't...