Recent content by BAJA Geazer

  1. BAJA Geazer

    Phono input sounding VERY WRONG

    There is or can be a lot more to this than many may assume. A TT sound is dependent on THREE things, and pretty much in this order: 1. The quality of the TT. 2. The quality of the cartridge and needle. 3. The quality of the phono pre-amp and it’s RIAA equalization. Most phono inputs on older...
  2. BAJA Geazer

    Which 2020 LG OLED TV should you buy?

    As a retired lifelong audiophile and videophile with over 30 years in the Consumer Electronics field as a salesman and executive, there is no question OLED is currently the State Of The Art in consumer video display technology, albeit, at a premium. No LCD (misnamed LED) TV can come close in...