Recent content by Ashinia

  1. A

    Genelec - making all other speaker manufacturers obsolete since 1978?

    This question is a bit tongue-in-cheek so I hope that no one gets offended. I have a friend that seems to think that when it comes to speakers under $2500 a pair, Genelec is always the best option. So which of these situations makes most sense to you: a) He's too heavily invested in Genelec -...
  2. A

    Upgrading from Mackie HR624mk2 (studio monitors) to KEF R100/R300 - is it worth it?

    Thanks! I'd gladly go with any of your suggestions, but here's where looks and size come to play; currently speakers can't be any bigger than my Mackies. Also they should preferably be white. (Yes, really :grin: ). That's why I'm going with the sub. You couldn't possibly know, but would a pair...
  3. A

    Upgrading from Mackie HR624mk2 (studio monitors) to KEF R100/R300 - is it worth it?

    I'm currently rocking a pair of Mackie HR624mk2's. They are mainly for listening to music. They are on a TV stand, and could be a good 10 cm's higher, but no can do. They are also positioned close to wall, but DSPeaker Anti-Mode 2.0 Dual Core is there to help with the exaggarated bass. I'm...