Recent content by 1970dazzler

  1. 1

    Rega DAC or Audiolab MDAC to replace Cambridge DAC magic

    Thanks for all your useful comments. I spoke to sound gallery and they bluntly only want to sell not to audition (hence my orinal comment). In the end I tried one with the Roksan amp and K2 CD in Harrow, and the difference was truly amazing. Many of my CDs were sounding harsh and brittle, but...
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    Rega DAC or Audiolab MDAC to replace Cambridge DAC magic

    Hi, I have Roksan Kandy k2 amp and CD player, Mordaunt short MS 30i Classics (remember those). I listen to quite a bit of radio through my Freeview box and a recently borrowed Cambridge Audio DAC magic really openend up the dynamics and soundstage. I wonder if investing in RegaDAC or Audiolab...