Image | Title | Text |
🙂 | Smile |
:) :-) (: |
😉 | Wink |
;) |
🙁 | Frown |
:( |
😡 | Mad |
:mad: >:( :@ |
😕 | Confused |
:confused: |
😕 | Confused |
:confused_old: |
😎 | Cool |
:cool: 8-) |
😛 | Stick Out Tongue |
:p :P :-p :-P |
😀 | Big Grin |
:D |
😱 | Eek! |
:eek: :o |
😳 | Oops! |
:oops: |
🙄 | Roll Eyes |
:rolleyes: |
😵 | Er... what? |
o_O O_o o.O O.o |
😒 | Cautious |
:cautious: |
🤐 | Censored |
:censored: |
😍 | Love |
:love: |
😆 | Laugh |
:LOL: |
🤣 | ROFL |
🤢 | Sick |
:sick: |
😏 | Sneaky |
:sneaky: |
👍 | Thumbs up |
(y) |
👎 | Thumbs down |
(n) |
🤔 | Unsure |
:unsure: |
😗 | Whistling |
:whistle: |
😊 | Giggle |
:giggle: |
👽 | Alien |
:alien: |
😈 | Devil |
:devilish: |
🤓 | Geek |
:geek: |
💩 | Poop |
:poop: |
Emoji Smilies | ||
Angry |
:angry: |
Anguished |
:anguished: |
Astonished |
:astonished: |
Blush |
:blush: |
Cold Sweat |
:coldsweat: |
Confounded |
:confounded: |
Confused |
:confused2: |
Cry |
:cry: |
Crying Cat |
:cryingcat: |
Disappointed |
:disappointed: |
Disappointed but Relieved |
:disrelieved: |
Dizzy |
:dizzy: |
Expressionless |
:expressionless: |
Fear Scream |
:fearscream: |
Fearful |
:fearful: |
Flushed |
:flushed: |
Frowning |
:frowning: |
Grimacing |
:grimacing: |
Grin |
:grin: |
Grinning |
:grinning: |
Heart Eyes |
:hearteyes: |
Heart Eyes Cat |
:hearteyecat: |
Hushed |
:hushed: |
Imp |
:imp: |
Innocent |
:innocent: |
Joy Cat |
:joycat: |
Kissing |
:kissing: |
Kissing Cat |
:kissingcat: |
Kissing Eyes Closed |
:kissingclosed: |
Kissing Heart |
:kissingheart: |
Kissing Smiling |
:kissingsmiling: |
Laughing |
:laughing: |
Mask |
:mask: |
Neutral |
:neutral: |
No Mouth |
:nomouth: |
Open Mouth |
:openmouth: |
Pensive |
:pensive: |
Persevere |
:persevere: |
Pouting Cat |
:poutingcat: |
Rage |
:rage: |
Relaxed |
:relaxed: |
Relieved |
:relieved: |
Scream Cat |
:screamcat: |
Sleeping |
:sleeping: |
Sleepy |
:sleepy: |
Smile |
:smile: |
Smile Cat |
:smilecat: |
Smiley |
:smiley: |
Smiley Cat |
:smileycat: |
Smiling Imp |
:smilingimp: |
Smirk |
:smirk: |
Smirk Cat |
:smirkcat: |
Sob |
:sob: |
Sunglasses |
:sunglasses: |
Sweat |
:sweat: |
Sweat Smile |
:sweatsmile: |
Tears of Joy |
:tearsofjoy: |
Tired |
:tired: |
Tongue Closed Eyes |
:tongueclosed: |
Tongue Out |
:tongueout: |
Tongue Wink |
:tonguewink: |
Triumph |
:triumph: |
Unamused |
:unamused: |
Weary |
:weary: |
Wink |
:wink: |
Worried |
:worried: |
Yum |
:yum: |
Emoji Food | ||
Banana |
:banana: |
Beer Cheers |
:beercheers: |
Beer Mug |
:beermug: |
Bread |
:bread: |
Candy |
:candy: |
Candy Bar |
:candybar: |
Cherries |
:cherries: |
Chestnut |
:chestnut: |
Chicken Leg |
:chickenleg: |
Cocktail Glass |
:cocktail: |
Coffee |
:coffee: |
Cookie |
:cookie: |
Cooking Egg |
:cookingegg: |
Curry and Rice |
:curryrice: |
Custard |
:custard: |
Dango |
:dango: |
Doughnut |
:doughnut: |
Ear of Maize |
:maize: |
Ear of Rice |
:rice: |
Eggplant |
:eggplant: |
Fish Cake |
:fishcake: |
French Fries |
:frenchfries: |
Fried Shrimp |
:friedshrimp: |
Grapes |
:grapes: |
Green Apple |
:greenapple: |
Hamburger |
:hamburger: |
Honey Pot |
:honeypot: |
Ice Cream |
:icecream: |
Ice Cream Cone |
:icecreamcone: |
Lemon |
:lemon: |
Lollipop |
:lollipop: |
Meat on Bone |
:meatbone: |
Melon |
:melon: |
Mushroom |
:mushroom: |
Oden |
:oden: |
Peach |
:peach: |
Pear |
:pear: |
Pineapple |
:pineapple: |
Pizza |
:pizza: |
Ramen |
:ramen: |
Red Apple |
:redapple: |
Rice Ball |
:riceball: |
Rice Cooked |
:ricecooked: |
Rice Cracker |
:ricecracker: |
Sake |
:sake: |
Shaved Ice |
:shavedice: |
Shortcake |
:shortcake: |
Spaghetti |
:spaghetti: |
Stew |
:stew: |
Strawberry |
:strawberry: |
Sushi |
:sushi: |
Sweet Potato |
:sweetpotato: |
Tangerine |
:tangerine: |
Teacup |
:teacup: |
Tomato |
:tomato: |
Tropical Drink |
:tropicaldrink: |
Watermelon |
:watermelon: |
Wine Glass |
:wineglass: |